1 min read

Part 10: Create a page to handle catalog submission

  • Navigate to Now Experience Framework > Experiences.
  • Open the Experience for Panda Tech.
  • On the right side of the form, Besides the Admin panel, Click on the (i) Icon to open the Admin panel.
  • Click Open UI Builder.


  • Navigate to Now Experience Framework > UI Builder.
  • From My experience, Click Panda Tech.

Create Catalog success page

  • Click on Create a page.
  • Fill in the fields, as appropriate.
  1. Name – Catalog Success
  2. Path – catalog-success
  3. Click Create
  4. On the Parameters screen, Click Ok
  5. New blank page should be created.

Add Confirmation message component

  • Add a container to the page.
  • Click (+) toadd component to the container.
  • In search box, type Confirmation message and select.
  • Select newly created component from the content window.
  • Update following properties.
    • Icon – Circle Info Outline
    • Icon Status – Info
    • Header message – Request submitted
    • Header level – 1
    • Caption – Click </> to write a script and copy following snippet
  * @param {params} params
  * @param {api} params.api
  * @param {any} params.imports
function evaluateProperty({api}) {
	return 'We are working on your request:' + api.state.requestNumber;
  • More information – Expect to here from us soon
  • Primary action label – Return to home
  • Secondary action label – View request
  • Click Save.
  • End result should be something like this when you navigate now/panda_tech/catalog-success

Great!! We have successfully created catalog success page

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