1 min read

Part 6: Add footer

  • Navigate to Now Experience Framework > Experiences.
  • Open the Experience for Panda Tech.

Create new page property for the header

  • Goto Related list > UX Page Properties
  • Click New.
  • Fill in the fields, as appropriate.
    • Page – Leave it as is (This is the reference to experience record)
    • Name – chrome_footer
    • Type – json
    • Route – blank (This means property is available to all the pages)
    • Description – Default header for Panda Tech
    • Value – Copy following JSON
          "copyright_text":"© 2020 Company Inc. All rights reserved."
  • Click Save
  • End result should be something like this.

Add footer logo

  • Openthe theme record we created.
  • Goto Related list > UX Theme Assets > New.
  • Fill in the fields, as appropriate.
    • Asset – Create new record
      • Category – image
      • Name – panda_tech_logo
      • Attachment – Attach the image below
    • Asset properties
    "position": "footer_logo"
  • Click Save
  • End result should be something like this.

Great!! We have successfully added a footer and logo it our Panda Tech portal

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