1 min read
Part 12: Working with state
Understand State
- Now components has a built-in state object
- The state object is where you store property values that belongs to the page or component
- When the state object changes, the component re-renders.
- To change the state of the property, use setState method. Never use this.state metthod.
- Read more about State HERE
Navigate to Catalog Success Page
- From UI Builder, Goto Catalog Success Page
- Goto the same pane where we created Client script from the left side of the navigation
- There is one more option that says Client State just above the Client Scripts
- Let’s create 2 State props. One to hold created request number and one are to hold the request sys_id. Click + Add.
- requestNumber – String
- requestSysId – String
- Click Save on the top to save the page
Great!! We have successfully created a state on the Catalog Success page to hold the sysId, number.