Navigate to UI Builder
- Navigate to Now Experience Framework > Experiences.
- Open the Experience for Panda Tech.
- On the right side of the form, Besides the Admin panel, Click on the (i) Icon to open the Admin panel.
- Click Open UI Builder.
- Navigate to Now Experience Framework > UI Builder.
- From My experience, Click Panda Tech.
Create knowledge article page
- Click on Create a page.
- Fill in the fields, as appropriate.
- Name – Knowledge Article
- Path – knowledge-article
- Click Create
- On the Parameters screen, Click Add optional parameter
- Click Add.
- Give sysId andclick save
- New blank page should be created.
Add test sysId to test the page as we design
- On the URL section, click where is says knowledge-article.
- Add f27d7f79c0a8011b0018f9d700d2b9aa and close the window.
- It should look something like this.

Add Article component
- Add a container to the page.
- Click (+) toadd component to the container.
- In search box, type Knowledge and select.
Get Article details using data broker
- Create a Data resource
- Click + Add
- Search for keyword “Get Knowledge record”
- From the Server Data section, select Get Knowledge record details
- Click Add
- In the configuration section, Fill out the fields below
- Article ID –
- Article ID –
- Observe the JSON on the right side of the screen where it shows result for the Data broker
{ "articleHTML": "", "isEditable": false, "articleSysId": null, "infoMessage": "", "errorMessage": "Knowledge record not found", "templateFieldData": [], "versionDetails": { "isInstalled": false, "isEnabled": false, "history": [], "showHistory": false, "versionDisplay": "", "versionDisplayLabel": "", "newVersionAvailable": false, "warningMessage": "" }, "languageDetails": [], "kbDocSysId": "", "showFeedbackOptions": false, "showStarRating": false, "showYNRating": false, "showFlag": false, "showFeedbackComments": false, "enableActionableFeedbackForRating": -1, "enableActionableFeedbackForHelpful": false, "enableActionableFeedbackForFlag": true, "isKBAdmin": false, "isKBOwner": false, "commentsThreshold": 5, "hasComments": false, "docviewerEnabled": false, "articleInfo": { "author": "", "displayAttachments": false, "kbCategory": "", "workflowState": "", "kbKnowledgeBase": "", "number": "", "shortDescription": "", "sysId": "", "sysUpdatedOn": "", "sysViewCount": 0, "rating": 0, "revisedBy": "", "baseVersion": "", "isExpired": false, "officeDocUrl": "" }, "totalUsefulCount": 0, "usefulYesCount": 0, "versionInfo": { "versions": [], "selectedVersion": [] }, "languageInfo": { "langVersions": [], "selectedLangVersion": [] }, "secondaryFields": [ { "type": "timeToRead", "icon": "clock-outline", "text": "" }, { "type": "date", "icon": "calendar-outline", "text": "Updated {0}", "value": "" }, { "type": "string", "icon": "eye-outline", "text": "0 views" }, { "type": "string", "icon": "star-outline", "text": "Average rating 0/5" } ] }
Bind props to the component property
- Let’s use some of the properties from the JSON above and bind them to the component
- From the Content section, select Knowledge Content 1 and change the following component properties.
- Article Details –
- Secondary Fields –
- Article Details –
- Click Save.
- The end result should be something like this. (Also Change the layout to match the one from previous tutorial)

Great!! We have successfully created a Knowledge article page.
Open https://<instance-name>