06 Sep, 2024

Part 24: Refresh comments data broker

Hook Event to update the comment Goto Nested comments 1 component Select event section Click + Add a new event handler Goto Retrieve knowledge comment 1 > execute Click Add Click Save Check the result Open https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/now/panda_tech/knowledge-article/params/sys-id/f27d7f79c0a8011b0018f9d700d2b9aa Post a comment Newly added comment should be available immediately Great!! We have successfully used refresh from Retrieve […]

1 min read

Part 23: Add data broker to save comments

Add Data Broker to add comments Goto Data resources Click + Add Search with keyword insert knowledge Select Insert knowledge comment Click Add Add Event to Nested comments component From the content section, select Nested comments 1 component we created in the last post From configurations, Select event Click + Add a new event handler […]

1 min read